Candidate Information

The 2025 Candidate Information Guide contains information on pertinent legislation, elected official positions, candidate eligibility, nomination procedures, campaigning, and voting procedures. This information is not a replacement for consulting the actual legislation or obtaining legal advice. There may be severe penalties, including fines and disqualification from elected office if you are found to be in breach of any provisions.

To authorize Mackenzie County to publish your photo and contact information on our website and in the media, please complete the Authorization for Release of Personal Information Form.

The Nomination Paper and Candidate Acceptance Form (Form 4) is valid if signed by at least five eligible voters. It is recommended that candidates obtain more than the required number of signatures by completing the Supplementary Nominations and Contact Information Form to avoid eligibility challenges. Candidates must also complete and file the Candidate Financial Information Form (Form 5) at the same time as their Nomination Paper.

To ensure that the Returning Officer is available to accept your nomination please call in advance to make arrangements. Nominations will be received at the following location only:

Mackenzie County Corporate Office
4511-46 Avenue, Fort Vermilion, AB
Phone: 780-927-3718

Please note that the nomination period is from January 1 – September 22, 2025.


* NOTE: These forms have been developed by the Government of Alberta and include features and restrictions that may prevent them from being opened in a browser window or on a mobile device. If you have trouble accessing these forms, please download and open them with Adobe Acrobat Reader on a Windows or Mac system. Alternatively, you can pick up a copy of these forms at your local County office. Visit the Government of Alberta website for a complete list of forms.


For more information on the upcoming election, please contact the Mackenzie County Returning Officer
at 780-927-3718 or via email at