Mackenzie County understands the need to find solutions to agricultural surface water management issues and the construction of permanent or temporary agricultural surface water management channels on or impacting road allowances may be necessary for an effective resolution to surface water management issues but these projects must protect the integrity of natural watercourses. These projects shall only be performed with the approval of Mackenzie County and in accordance with all applicable County standards and specifications and those imposed by other levels of government.


Policy ASB023: Surface Water Management outlines the procedure and guidelines for the construction of permanent or temporary agricultural surface water management channels and the process by which applications are approved.


Applications for the construction of permanent or temporary agricultural surface water management channels are accepted by Mackenzie County any time throughout the year and are referred to the appropriate Surface Water Management Basin Committee for consideration. The applicant shall be provided with an initial response within 30 days of receiving the application.

To apply for the construction of a permanent or temporary agricultural surface water management channel, download the Agricultural Surface Water Channel Construction Application below. Applications and all required documentation should be submitted to the Fort Vermilion Office.

Download the Application