News | April 19, 2023
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Statutes of Alberta, notice is hereby given that the Council of Mackenzie County will hold a public hearing prior to the second reading of Bylaws 1284-23, 1285-23, 1286-23 and 1287-23; Bylaws 1289-23 and 1290-23; Bylaw 1292-23.
Bylaws 1284-23, 1285-23, 1286-23 and 1287-23 – The proposed bylaws are to amend the land use zoning of the following properties:
Plan 952 3371, Block 11, Lot 16 from Hamlet Residential 1A “H-R1A’ to Institutional “I”
Plan 952 3371, Block 11, Lot 15 from Hamlet Residential 1A “H-R1A’ to Institutional “I”
Plan 952 3371, Block 11, Lot 14 from Hamlet Residential 1A “H-R1A’ to Institutional “I”
Plan 752 1580, Block 11, Lot 05 from Hamlet Residential 1B “H-R1B’ to Institutional “I”
The purpose of the rezoning’s is for future lot consolidation and expansion of the Heimstaed Lodge.
Bylaw 1289-23 and 1290-23 – The proposed bylaw is to amend the land use zoning of the following properties described as part of SE 10-106-15-W5M. The properties are currently zoned Recreational 1 “REC1” and are proposed to be rezoned to Hamlet Country Residential “H-CR’, in order to accommodate two (2) residential lots.
Bylaw 1292-23 – The proposed bylaw is to amend the land use zoning of the following property described as Plan 132 1868, Block 02, Lot 21. The property is currently zoned La Crete Light Industrial “LC-LI” and is proposed to be zoned as La Crete Highway Commercial “LC-HC” in order to accommodate an Automotive Sales and Rental Business.
The Public Hearings will be held at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 2023 in the Mackenzie County Council Chambers in Fort Vermilion (4511-46 Avenue). The proposed bylaws may be viewed at any Mackenzie County office during regular office hours. Written submissions may be received prior to 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 5, 2023 to:
Planning and Development Department, Mackenzie County,
4511-46 Avenue, Box 640, Fort Vermilion, AB, T0H 1N0
Bylaws 1284-23, 1285-23, 1286-23 and 1287-23
Bylaws 1289-23 and 1290-23
Bylaw 1292-23